Good Evening my fine feathered friends....
I know it is early, but I am gearing up to pull the plug and power down for a day or two. Work is over, already banged out a crossfitting, and I have eaten paleo right all day long. By the way... Lara Bars are paleo and boy it couldn't have come up a moment too soon.
So here is where we stand as the Turkey day fast approaches.... deep breath, and go.
The day went well on a personal note. Paleo eating is actually not the most horrible thing in the world. The Surgeon General made some muffins that are soooooo damned good, I would never have known that they were paleo. The Lara bars were a god sent, and I have finally gotten to a point where I can open the fridge and not have to physically restrain myself from grabbing a diet coke...
Thats right my friends... I didn't get rid of them. There are 11 Diet Cokes sitting in front of me all day every day. The "SG" wanted to kick them, but I said, "No!". Its a test of personal integrity. I am firm believer that any personal challenge needs to be taken head on. My personal view is, "you can't pretend the temptations don't exist. We are not in a vacuum. As soon as you're alone, you'll have to face it."
So... long story long... The Diet Cokes taunt me daily, but I am good with it now. I am starting to crave a smoothie when I need a quick something. All good stuff.
Holy Christ on cracker... This one sounds like nothing. It sounds like a warm up... It IS however extremely challenging and must be looked at (to quote coach J) "as a marathon". The Work out of the Day (WOD) was as follows.
-10 wall balls
-10 kettle bell swings (above - wall ball / right - kettle bell)
For real? Sounds pretty basic right. Oh but you are so correct mi amor. The kicker is that you have to do 10 and 10 as 1 set, and do an AMRAP(as many reps as possible) in 18 minutes. Give it a shot for 4 minutes and tell me that is not an ass kicker of a day.
I'm glad it is over, and I gotta say whoever created the playlist for the warm up was rocking my style. We are talking highschool MTV jams. "California Love", "No Diggety", "Whoomp there it is", Snoop, & Dre... I mean seriously... how can you not get fired up?
Solid day all around on the fitness front. Turkey Day bears down on us and I am looking forward to some surprise golf in the AM and then who knows.... For sure there is a Football game on Friday, and you better believe it will be covered by the Dooley Noted on scene reporter... ME!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, catch you on Friday.
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