Saturday, December 1, 2012

Give the finger to the Paleo Diet...

Buenos Diddly Dias,

Saturday Saturday Saturday...

So yours truly's birthday is around the corner on Monday the 3rd.  Given the unfortunate placement of the anniversary of my birth on a Monday... the Surgeon General and I will be celebrating today.  By the way, the celebration leads me giving the finger to the Paleo diet and smoking a pizza, and dunks bacon egg cheese.... and so far 1 Diet Coke.

It was awesome with a capital T. 

To offset my collosal dive off the paleo wagon, the Surgeon General and I took in a Crossfitting at 9:00 a.m.  This wod was a good one with the following:

1000 m row
50 Thrusters
30 pull ups

But to be perfectly honest the Wod was actually relatively peripheral to me.  I made a huge leap forward today in my skills...  To many who read this, it will sound like a nothing accomplishment, but to me.... It's Everest.  It's Superbowl champ.  It's huge... get it??

I was able to succesfully (for the first time in like 6 years) perform the following:

1 pull up
Toes to Bar
Knees to Elbow
10 unbroken double unders.

I feel extremely accomplished and I have say thanks to all my peeps at 781... "Thank you beasts".  Coach Dani, J, Robo, and Mal...  You guys are great motivators and all the help in scaling is the only way I was able to get this far... and I can't wait to be able to do butterfly pullups.

So anyway, enough sappy stuf.... After some serious thought and consideration I have decided that the Gorilla Man does deserve the promotion.  He has often carried the load in my absence, and also the Rated D's are pretty well written. 

I also feel obligated to acknowledge his writing game.  Guy's got game.  So another movement up the Dooley noted ladder is in order. Gorilla Man will hence forth be known as...

JUAN PHILIPE - Communications Director

Job requirements - Crafting the Dooley Noted message.  Reflecting the views of the Dooley Noted people in a way that entices the appetite for theatrical entertainment.  This is to be done through bloggins and movie reviews. 

Carry forth Juan Philipe.  I give you my signature and impress the official Dooley Noted seal.  Hereby naming you a senior counselor and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenty Potentiary.... And it is done so on this date, in this place, at this time.

Now get me a drink Gorilla Man... (you'll always be gorilla man to me)

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