Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yea... Its good to be Dools33

So......... Tough week for me on the challenge.  I'm going to have to double up in a few weeks to get back on track.
Not to be a drag on the crowd's fitness vibe, but I personally demonstrated the importance of paying attention to your body aches/pains/etc.  I have been have some "chest discomfort" (its not quite pain by definition).  I gave it a 2 days with no 500 challenge but it didn't improve.  So I took a spin over the old hospital and they were kind enought offer me a sweet visitor's package for 2 days and 1 night.  Room service right to your bed.  The sound of bedpans clanging like the steel drums of the carribean.  The many accents of the orderlies creating the hum of the melting pot that is America.

All kidding aside.  Yea,  I basically made this week a wash for me cuz my blood was acting up on me again.  No worries folks.  I didn't have an "event".  Just some discomfort that was cleared with some sweet nitrogen paste.  PS  if they ever give you that crap be ready for one massive head ache. 

Big thank you to the Surgeon General for keeping my head on straight.  I didn't yell at a single doctor or nurse... which is an enormous step for me.  Thanks KVG.

Sounds like everyone except Jimmy Buffet is still banging along this week with some good progress.  Keep up the good work guys and dolls and I'll be back on the horse tomorrow doing some excercises at work while ship is in port.

Best wishes to the Chief of Staff on her good will trip out west.  Lucky girl...  How many people hop on a plane to LA with big dreams and end up walking down skid row in police custody... oh wait???  uh... well.... yea.  But her thing is different.

All kidding aside.  Have fun COS be ready for the mountains when you come back.


  1. The Hebrew Hammer and I are glad to hear you are home and ready to get back out there tomorrow!

    xo The WWTLNIS (my abbreviation for the "title with the most number of words" in your cabinet)

  2. ahhhhhh... i do so love abbreviations. rock on. Dunedin Sprint Triathlon 6/12/11... be there or be... there. :)
