Friday, January 20, 2012

The Adventure Project 2012

I thought I heard somewhere that there was a day in January shortly after New Year's that was something like a "last ditch" day where you could either decide you have failed or can really commit to your resolution...? Anyone?

Well, either way, while we're on the subject of resolutions, allow me to introduce...

The Adventure Project 2012!

The Goal:

Have (at least) one adventure per week for one year. These adventures can be big or little, but it should be fun and interesting. Maybe it's running a race...? Maybe it's traveling...? Or maybe it's just something you've never done before or seeing something you've never seen before!

That's my resolution, but feel free to join in the fun! Along with all of the normals... eat better, work out more, and commit to the hobbies that sometimes get pushed aside... I've also set out to try one new thing every day! It can be as small as trying a new food or maybe not doing something that you literally do every day.

52 Adventures in 52 Weeks! "Let's kick the tires and light the fires, Big Daddy!"

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